A tiny home can be a great way to simplify your way of life. One of the reasons many people adopt this approach is to benefit from the greater financial freedom a house with lower costs can offer.
It’s always important not to base your decision-making on assumptions, though. While the expenses involved can vary, you can gain a little more clarity on what the likely costs of tiny homeownership are. This empowers you to make choices that are right for your circumstances.
Initial Purchase
While tiny homes have a reputation for being cheaper than their larger counterparts, your initial purchase will still usually be the most significant cost. Indeed, it’s worth bearing in mind that many tiny homes don’t qualify for traditional mortgages. Therefore, it’s good to plan not just for the specific costs related to your purchase, but also for what financial decisions you need to make to fund the entirety of your initial outlay.
The costs involved with purchasing a tiny home will usually depend on whether you’re building a property or want to immediately move into a ready-made option.
Ready to move in
Buying a tiny home that has already been built can be convenient. There are more developers creating properties for the tiny home market, so the inventory available is gradually increasing. This tends to be more expensive than building a tiny home personally. In some instances, if you have a lower budget, you may be able to buy a preowned tiny home, often priced at around $30,000.
Building your tiny home
You can also buy a plot of land and install a tiny home on the premises. This can be a cheaper option, as you can choose the dimensions and materials to fit your budget. In many instances, the materials cost for a tiny home is around $20,000 to $60,000. If you have the skills and ambition to build personally, you can further reduce the expenses related to labor. Alternatively, you can buy a prefabricated home and have it shipped to your plot for upwards of $75,000.
Nevertheless, it’s worth bearing in mind that, as with any home-building project, you’ll also have to pay for local building permits and inspections, which can vary considerably depending on your location. There will also be the prices involved with installing utilities, such as electricity, cable, water, and sewage.
Utility Costs
Once you’ve bought or built your tiny home and moved in, the next cost to consider is your regular utility bills. Generally, you may find these are lower than in a larger home. After all, you’ll have less space you need to heat or cool. However, the efficiency of your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems can depend on your home’s design. Some tiny home owners find they spend as low as $50 per month on basic utilities.
There are ways to keep these tiny home costs low, though. This includes tactics to lower your seasonal energy bills, such as keeping your windows and blinds open or closed depending on the exposure to the sun, both to make use of natural light and reduce unnecessary heat so that your HVAC system doesn’t have to work as hard. A few well-placed fans to improve airflow can also minimize your reliance on HVAC.
Ongoing Maintenance
As with any other house, your tiny home will occasionally require maintenance to keep it functional, in good condition, and safe. There will be some aspects of this you may be able to do yourself, such as weather sealing your windows every year or clearing your gutters. Nevertheless, there will be some costs involved with maintenance.
Your expenses could include:
- Roofing: Keeping your tiny home’s roof in good condition prevents leaks and maintains energy efficiency. Particularly if you live in an area that sees extreme storms, strong winds and debris collisions can lead to roof damage. Your tiny home’s size may make it possible for you to check out the condition of your roof personally. Nevertheless, having a professional inspect your roof every couple of years can help you spot issues and tackle them before they become too problematic and costly. The average costs of a roofing inspection usually fall between $125 and $357.
- Plumbing: A well-functioning plumbing system is essential for your ongoing health and comfort. Fortunately, plumbing systems don’t tend to degrade quickly, unless there’s been an accident, so an inspection every 24 months is usually fine. The small size of your tiny home — and its plumbing system — may mean some plumbers charge less. Nevertheless, you’re usually looking at costs beginning at about $100 for a visual inspection.
Regular inspections and maintenance may also highlight unexpected problems that need to be repaired immediately. This can be pretty costly, so it’s wise when planning your expenses to consider putting aside money for an emergency fund. In some instances, you may be able to obtain a line of credit to take care of unexpected circumstances. If you’re comparing a line of credit with emergency savings, the credit solution comes with interest you need to pay back alongside the loan. If you’re able to fit a little each month for an emergency fund instead, you can avoid unnecessary debt and interest. You might also have the flexibility to use those funds not just to fix problems, but to make upgrades that prevent issues in the future.
Understanding the common costs involved with tiny homeownership can help you to make more informed decisions about how you proceed. Many of the expenses will certainly be less than traditional homes, though it remains important to make responsible financial plans to manage these, such as setting aside funds for emergency maintenance. It’s also well worth talking to current tiny homeowners who may give you more nuanced insights into the costs of the lifestyle and the strategies they use to manage them.
Image Source: Pexels
The post Understanding the Cost of Tiny Home Ownership: A Financial Breakdown first appeared on Tiny House Blog.